Yoga is one of the most destructing and painful Yoga in Indian Astrology.
It is too painful that it makes the life so miserable, joyless and
full of hurdles. The person with Kaalsarp yoga in his horoscope
meets with unnecessary hurdles on the way of his career, health,
married life, children and financial status.
Kaalsarp is made of two Sanskrit words. One is Kaal and other is
Sarp. Kaal stands for death and Sarp stand for snake. Kaalsarp is
the bite of snake, which leads the life as destructive as death.
In astrology, Kaalsarp yoga is formed when all other planets are
placed between Raahu and Ketu. Raahu and Ketu obstruct the good
fortune of a native.
One should try to get rid of the bad results of this yoga by using
energized Kaalsarp Yoga Yantra.
The Kaalsarp (Nagpasha) Yantra is made on the copper
plate. It is duly gold plated to keep its energized power long lasting.