BHOJPATRA YANTRA - Divine remedies for you !!! |

As per Indian (Hindu) Shastras the Yantra written on the "Bhoj Patra" is the best tool of remedy to accomplish the task of that particular yantra. "Bhojpatra" is processed from the layers of the tree named "Bhoj", which is in use by Vedic Teachers and professionals since the ancient times. |
A general looking Bhojpatra
Yantra is actually a sacred yet powerful mean which powersign its
diety having abnormal effects. The people of India are directed by rishis
and munis to pray their Lords and dieties in the form
of different Bhojpatra Yantras to get protection
from different troubles like diseases, loans, business, service, job,
marriage, friendship, children and black magic etc.
It is said in the Indian epics (Hindu shastraas) that the Yantras written
and energised (praan pratishtha) on Bhojpatra are
the best Yantras to overcome the troubles
and problems.
Astromuni has come over with a deep study of
these Yantras duly written & energised
on Bhojpatras. As of now, our panel of astrologer
and the Vedic Professionals have worked on 18 different Yantras
on Bhojpatra and have discovered
unimaginable results. Or in simple words miracles have been noticed.

Bhojpatra yantra
are directed to be used in a Talisman (Taabiz) by tieing it
on the upper arms or by using it as a pendant around the neck or by
simply placing it in the devine area like temple (Pooja Sthala)
or by simply sticking it on a wall of the shop, office, factory etc.
While energising one should take
care of the time and palce to be choosen. One has to look for " auspicious time " (shubh samya) to write and energise
Bhojpatra Yantra. The time can be of " Ravihasta, Ravimoola, Ravipushya, Gurupushya Nakshatra and Yogas,
Holi, Deepawali, Navratras, Vijaydashmi, Solar & Moon eclips
etc. are believed to be the most effective time to get the best results
out of Bhojpatra Yantras.
The devotee has to take a very special care of the writting ink
and the pen (kalam) to be used to write a particular Bhojpatra
Yantra. Kesar, Kastoori, Chandan, Kapoor, Gorochan
etc. are the few of the things use to make the auspicious ink to
write a Yantra on Bhojpatra.
Astromuni works on everykind of Yantras
written and energised on Bhojpatras,
Copper Plates, Gold Plated and Silver Plated. Only Bhojpatra
yantras are energised (praan pratishthit) for
a particular person, where as other Yantras are
simply energised (shudhikaran) for the general use of everyone.