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March 12, 2025
Home Mala Rosary - Amethyst
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Amethyst Amethyst is a purple colored quartz crystal. It is as popular as it was a thousand years ago. It is a marvelous healing crystal. Most of the natural healing therapists including the great power of Reiki, use Amethyst to enhance the healing energies and to give maximum results to their patients. Amethyst is the crystal said to resemble with “Crown Chakra”, (The top most Chakra among Seven Chakras of our spiritual body.

Amethyst removes the negativities from the surroundings of our spiritual body. In ancient time Greeks believed that Amethyst had the power to prevent and control drunkenness. Being a spiritual stone, Amethyst is also known as the stone of peace. It has the divine power to control various kinds of harmful behavior. The wearer of Amethyst feels the enhancement in his/her will power. Amethyst is believed to have the energy to control dullness, depression, tensions and other mind related problems. It strengthens the immense systems of a human body.

Where as one can place the Amethyst Crystal in any form near by him/herself. But still wearing amethyst in the form of Rosary (Mala) around your neck gives maximum results. The reason behind is, that while wearing the crystal touches our body and the “Chakras”, thus providing the maximum power to the “Crown and Third-Eye Chakras”.

You can also wear Amethyst around your wrist as a bracelet to get good results. It is recommend keeping Amethyst around their bed and working area only to those people who don’t like to wear anything around their neck or wrist. Some time healing therapists recommends placing Amethyst around the patient along with wearing it as rosary (mala). It depends upon the length or degree of the problem a patient is facing.

Amethyst is believed to help in calming an extremely passionate nature. Moreover, an Amethyst Rosary can also resolve all emotional and mental problems. It is also believed that Amethyst helps in protecting soldiers from harm and also helps to calm fears, raise hopes and lift up the spirits. It is said that keeping Amethyst below your pillow helps in removing insomnia and includes peaceful sleep and also promotes pleasant and healing dreams.

Item Code Product Discription Price  
ML06201 Amethyst Rosary 3150 48.47

The people who travel a lot are specially recommended to wear Amethyst in from of Rosary (Mala) as it is said that it protects the wearer from any harms, sickness and robbery during travels.

As told earlier, Amethyst is related to the “Crown Chakra”, from the very ancient time Amethyst is used for increasing psychic awareness and to grow up the sixth sense.

According to Indian astrology. “Blue Sapphire” is said to be the gem related to planet “Saturn”. It is often seen that astrologers suggest their client to wear Amethyst instead of “Blue Sapphire”. They treat Amethyst as to be a substitute of “Blue Sapphire”.

“One should always use purified and energized crystal to get the maximum benefits”

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