Love Birds brings you strength
of devotion and romantic bliss! Made of Ceramics. Love Birds form a strong
attachment to their partners and are said to pine away and die when separated.
Hence, they are also an emblem of conjugal fidelity.
There are stunning bird sculptures made of ceramics and cystal that you
can pruchase to display in the South corneer either on a table or inside
a cabinet . The effect is most auspiciosus. Not only will your reputation
be enhanced over the years. but you will achieve recognition and attain
great sucess in your chosen profession . If you can obtain a piece depicting
the crimson phoenix itself that would be even better. A picture of an
eagle in full flight is also an excellent symbol of success. In addition
to representing the winged creature of the South, the eagle is also associated
with strength, power and authority . Show an eagle flying or perched on
a tree do not show eage looking fierce and predatory.
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