In Feng Shui, Calabash is
also known as Ho Lu. It is very powerful tool of good fortune as well
as longevity. The Calabash is shaped like a bottle gourd. It symbolizes
the union of heaven and earth in miniature. The upper half is the heaven
and lower half is the earth. In fact, wealth vases are also shaped like
the Calabash.
You can display the real dried gourd in and around your home, which shows
that your house is being blessed. The model of Ho Lu can also be used
but it should be made is Zed Stone (considered to be the purest stone
in China). It is mainly for the cure of the health-related problems caused
due to Flying Star afflictions. The Ho Lu should be placed or hanged near
the bed of the sick fellow. Even the God of Longevity is shown to carry
a staff with a bottle gourd containing the elixir of immortality hanging
at its one end.
The Ho Lu is an excellent way to remove the effects of the sickness star
numeral ‘2’ in Flying Star Feng Shui. It is used in pairs
generally. The Ho Lu should certainly be kept in your bedroom during the
years when the Annual Flying Star is in your bedroom location.
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