BEADS - Education Band |
Education Band is created with the combination of one number of
6 Mukhi Rudraksha centered in between two numbers of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha,
one on each side of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha. Education band is basically to
enhance the mental power. In enhances the power of willingness, memories,
creativity, knowledge, meditation will to study and understanding, concentration
and to overcome the dullness, depression and inferiority complex. The
Education Rudraksha Band is created by 4 Mukhi Rudraksha and 6 Mukhi
Rudraksha, so it contains the blessings of Great lord Brhama (Lord of
4 Mukhi Rudraksha) and Lord Kartikaya (Lord of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha).
Also it includes the auspicious energies to appease planet Mercury (related
to 4 Mukhi Rudraksha) and planet Venus (related to 6 Mukhi Rudraksha).
Education Rudraksh Band Available In :
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Benefits of Education Rudraksha Pendant (4 Mukhi Rudraksha
+ 6 Mukhi Rudraksha).
+ To gain success in studies & to
increase academic power & knowledge.
+ To enhance mental power & interest
in studies and knowledge.
+ To get protected from the tribulations
caused by planet Mercury and Venus.
+ Excellent for scientists, Engineers,
Researchers, Philosophers, artists, writers, students, teachers, professors,
journalists, editors & Speakers.
Diseases Cured by Education Rudraksha Pendant (4 Mukhi Rudraksha
+ 6 Mukhi Rudraksha)·
+ Mental illness, depression, lack of
concentration, less memory.
+ Leprosy and jaundice.
+ Sexual organs, Diseases at the time
of pregnancy.
+ Face and throat diseases.
Goddess Sarasvati” Parad Goddess Sarasvati is used for knowledge, education and intelligence. Parad Goddess
Sarasvati is use to appease Goddess Sarasvati . Know
more.. |
Goddess Sarasvati ” Goddess Sarasvati is controller of Education, intellect, speech and join through
education. One gains all these things by offering worship to
this invaluable crystal product. Know
more.. |
“Education Yantra”
Education Yantra is related to Lord Maa Sarasvati . Lord Maa Sarasvati is the Lord of Education, Knowledge, Intelligence, creativity
and intellectuality. In India, Maa Sarasvati is worshiped to
gain blessings of all these powers. Know
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Tower” The Education Tower
is said to possess certain powers, which helps to transform
unruly minds into well-disciplined minds. It is a food enhancer
for those who wish to achieve academic success.
more.. |
Globe” Crystal Globe is used
by the businesmen and students. By placing Crystal Globe on
your table improves the business accumen and intelligence. Know
more.. |
Plated Sarasvati Yantra” Sarasvati Yantra is related to Lord Maa Saraswati. Lord Maa Sarasvati is the Lord of Education, Knowledge, Intelligence, creativity
and intellectuality. In Indian Maa Sarasvati is worshiped to
gain blessings of all these powers. Know
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