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October 22, 2024
Home Puja Service Saraswati Puja
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Uma Maheswara Puja
Vishnu Sahastranama Puja

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Chandra Puja
Mangal Puja
Budh Puja
Brihaspati Puja
Shukra Puja
Shani Puja
Rahu Puja
Ketu Puja
Navgrah Puja


Goddess Saraswati‘Saraswati’ is the ‘Shakti’, the power and the consort of “Brahma”, the crator. Hence she is the procreatrix, the mother, of the entire creation.

Literally, Saraswati means ‘ the flowing one’. In the “Rgveda’ she represents a river and the deity presiding over it. Hence, she is connected with fertility and purification. Here are some of the names used to describe her: ‘Sharada” (gover of essence), ‘Vagisvari’ (mistress of speech), ‘Brahmi’ (wife of Brahma), ‘Mahavidya’ (knowledge supreme) and so on. It is obvious that the concepts of Saraswati developed by the later mythological literature are already here. The ‘flowing one’ can represent speech also if taken in an allegorical sense. Perfect speech presupposes power and intelligence from which organized creation proceeds.

She is considered as the personification of all knowledge – arts, sciences, crafts and skills. Knowledge is the antithesis of the darkness of ignorance. Hence she is depicted as pure white in colour. Since she is the representation of all sciences, arts, crafts and skill she has to be extraordinarily beautiful and graceful. Clad in a spotless white apparel and seated on a lotus seat, she holds in her four hands a ‘vina’ (lute), ‘aksmala’ (Rosary) and ‘pustaka’ (book). Though these are most common, there are several variation. Some of the other objects shown are ‘pasa’ (noose), ‘ankusa” (goad), ‘padma’ (lotus), ‘trisula’ (trident), ‘shankha’ (conch), ‘chakra’ (discus) and so on. Occasionally she is shown with five faces or with eight hands. Even three eyes or blue neck are not uncommon. In this case she is MahaSaraswati, aspect of ‘Durga”.

Though no separate carrier vehicle is mentioned, ‘hamsa’ or swan, the vehicle of ‘Brahma’ , her spouse, is usually associated with her also. In popular mythological literature and pictures, a peacock is also shown as her mount.

Coming to the symbology; being the consort of Brahma, the creator, she represents his power and intelligence, without which organized creation is impossible. To show that this intelligent power is stupendous and absolutely pure, she is pictured as white and dazzling.

Her four arms show her unimpeded power in all directions or her all-pervasiveness.

Being the goddess of learning, it is but proper that Saraswati is shown holding a book in her left hand. The book represents all areas of secular sciences. Mere intellectual learning, without a heart tempered by higher feelings, sentiments and emotions, is a dry as sawdust. So she holds a ‘vina’ (lute) on which she actually plays, to show the need for the cultivation of fine arts. Then there is the ‘aksamala’ (Rosary) held in the right hand. This symbolizes all spiritual sceience or yoga including ‘tapas ‘ (austerities) meditation and ‘japa’ (repetition of divine name). By holding the book in the left hand and the rosary in the right hand she is obviously teaching us that spiritual sciences are more important that secular sciences.

The peacock with its beautiful plumage stands for this world in all its glory, Since the attractions of the world lead the spiritual aspirant astray, the peacock can actually symbolize ‘aviday’ (ignorance or nescience). On the other hand with swan, which is supposed to possess the peculiar power or separating milk from water, stands the ‘viveka’ (wisdom, discrimination) and hence for ‘vidya’ (knowledge). Though it is true that ‘vidya’ or ‘paravidya’ (spiritual illumination) alone can give us ‘moksha’ (beatitude), ‘avidya’ signifying secualt knowledge – the sciences and arts of the world – need not be and should not be neglected. As per a saying, we transcend hunger and thirst through the secular sciences and then alone can obtain immortality through the spiritual science. It is to teach this great truth to us that Mother Saraswati has chosen the two mounts, the swan and the peacock.

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PJ06207 Saraswati Puja 21000 323.8

Saraswati is the controller of learning and speech. She represents the union of power and intelligence from which organized creation arises. Saraswati possesses all the learnings of the Vedas, scriptures, dances, musical power and poetry. She revealed language and writing to man. Her origin is traced to the lost Vedic river Saraswati. This is the source of her profound connection to fluidity in every aspect. She embodies wisdom, fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendor and devotion.

Saraswati puja is useful for gaining knowledge and mastery in studies, to sharpen the intellect and improve memory. Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, puja of Maa Saraswati shall be conducted by every student whether in school, college of preparing for exams. If you are sitting in any competitive exam, then you must conduct this puja for Maa Saraswati Blessings. takes every care to perform following puja on behalf of its clients:

MahaGanapati Puja, Lakshmi Narayan Puja, MahaLakshmi Puja, MahaMrityunjaya puja, Maha Sudarshan Puja, Rudra Abhishkam, Saraswati Puja, Uma Maheshwara Puja, Vishnu Sahasrnam Puja, Surya Puja, Chandra Puja, Mangal Puja, Budh Puja, Guru Puja or Brihaspati Puja, Shukra Puja, Shani Puja, Rahu Puja, Ketu Puja and Navgrah Puja


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