A Curse for Men And Women Both

Chapter 3 - Emotional Harassement (The Cause Of 1st Prevailing Belief)


It is believed that menstruation is the time when the energy of 'Apaan Vaayu' is naturally strongest in a woman's body and it is for the fulfillment of a natural purpose. By the 'Apaan Vaayu', physical impurities are exhaled from the body (for example - exhalation of dead tissues in the womb at the time of delivery) and new energy is provided by controlling the volatility of emotions.

Pooja and Pranayama are both Yog. And these Yogic actions help regularize and balance the vitalities. Whereas the mechanism of life system is such, that they maintain their strength as required by the body. At the time of menstruation, the strengthening of 'Apaan Vaayu' is mandatory and not its regularization.

This is the reason that it is not advisable performing Yogic activities like religious rituals or Pranayama at the time of menstruation, because by doing so, the action of 'Apaan Vaayu' can be affected (i.e. activity can be either extreme lax or over active), which further can disturb the activity of disposing off the spoiled material during menstruation. (It is necessary to write down here that most of the communities generally allow mental chants during menstruation).

The woman is fortunate in at least one subject that she naturally gets opportunities to free up the conflict of her uncontrolled feelings, twelve times in a year. But it is the cause of the grief that most women do not use this time for awakening, means, she doesn't live the moment, means, she doesn't consciously experience the freeing of the emotions at that time. It is generally observed that during menstrual cycle, woman gets prey to anxiety, distraction, anger, sadness and depression and she murmurs in grief, "I wish I was a man".

I wish women were not influenced by these scary, unknowingly and irrational ideas and emotions (even if they occur only once in a month). Instead, I wish they let these emotions free. I wish they let these emotions flow. I wish they observe the transformation of impure emotions into pure emotions. If it was so, woman would have been really embroiled in the strong form of psychological therapeutic force. But all turned contrarious. Unfortunately the woman herself got psychologically aggrieved.

‘Emotionally hurt' and 'being abashed' show that there is some conflict going on between the woman's 'intellect' and ‘knowledge-full consciousness'. In reality, at the time of menstrual cycles, distressed she desires to make herself introvert which gives her the opportunity to reconnect with her higher consciousness (the state of her origin femininity).


‘Menstruation' is not something as simple as avoiding physical activity. This is a process of transformation. This is a change in reality. This is that uncomfortable which decreases over time. But it is also true that when this uncomfortable ends, the woman meets her while nature. Facing the conflict of emotions is a part of the evolution of "emotional and spiritual maturity".

During this emotional process, the energy wasted on superstitious beliefs dumps the woman into her own basic instinct. To a level, it seems okay that this process of dumping helps providing depth in the relationship. But by wasting excess energy over superstitions, only leads to fear of repeatedly trapping in the same dread situation and frustrating relations.

Due to the inertia of 'self-consciousness', or say, due to inertia of gnostic understanding, menstruation is funnily demoted as an opportunity to eat delicious food and rest. Whereas in reality it should be taken as the boon of the divine in form of the power of a self-healing (self-treatment), which it actually is.

It is necessary to mention here that the rule of 'auspiciousness' and ‘ cleanliness' (shubh and shudh) applies equally to both the sexes. The energy of the vitality of 'Apaan Vaayu' flows into the body of every living being, so the men are also bound by the rules of 'religious purity'.

In the days when a man worships or perform religious rituals on regular basis, he should not indulge in releasing sperms through sexual activities (These include both the releases, which can be done in copulation with or without woman). Both men and women are bound to the universal laws, to which, due to the body being impure after being diseased, it is forbidden to enter religious rituals. Even if it is the case of releasing sperms, the same rules apply to both man and woman. Whereas infact, in both the cases, abandoning of the polluted substances from the body is a vital stimulating action called 'Apaan' which happens automatically.

It can be easily understood that all vitalities are the activities that happens automatically or by itself inside the body, and these activities are called as Kriya in Sanskrit language. Whereas an action which is deliberately performed with some intention is called Karma. Kriya unlike Karma can't be prevented from happening. ‘Auspiciousness' or ‘inauspiciousness' akin to ‘sainted' or ‘sin' are the traits that are produced by the emotions that prevail behind the deliberate act or ‘Karma' and not by the occurrence of any activity or ‘Kriya'.

t can produce inauspiciousness by doing any bad Karma (such as, it creates inauspiciousness to copulate with any woman or man during the religious rituals). But an automatic natural activity, can produce uncleanliness or ‘ashubhta' but not inauspiciousness or ‘ashubhta' (like if the body becomes sick, then the contaminated by-products gets out through sweat.) Exiting the contaminated by-products is a vital activity or ‘Pranic Kriya' by which the body may externally get 'unclean' but can't be 'inauspicious' to any level.

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