It is often observed that even after adopting so many remedies people don't experience any improvement in their situation. The basic reason behind such failure is that people actually don't create soul-level-relationship with the Planet or deva. One can expect expeditious and desired results by worshipping Lord Surya deemed as his/her own Father. It is necessary to create an intimate relation with the deity to be worthy of his blessings.
Our Sun is the lord of astro-sign Leo. He also rules over three constellations viz; Krittika, UttaraPhalguni and Uttarashadha.
If someone is spending a tough time under the influence of malefic situation of Sun in his horoscope, he is first of all advised to ignore visiting dark places.
Before going to sleep in the night, one must have the darshana of Lord Surya's image and chant his Beeja Mantra: “Om hraang hreeng hroung Sah Suryaya Namaha”.
The Eastern side of the house and office should be kept properly lit and hygienically clean.
The travel to Eastern side should be avoided.
One must restrain himself while coordinating with government officials and his superiors.
And one must control his aggression.
One must not involve in any sort of intoxication and insobriety and should avoid wearing Red or Maroon coloured clothes. Reciting the mantras of Lord Surya at the time of sunrise is a wise idea of winning the grace of the great Lord. If the Sun is aggrieved under the influence of some other malefic or cruel planet(s), one must act to propitiate them as well.
One must don an energized 12-faced Rudraksha Bead around his neck. It is firmly believed that 12-faced Rudraksha bead contains the blessings of Lord Surya along with the blessings of Lord Shiva.
Gayatri Mantra is one of the most auspicious Mantras and is liked by Lord Surya. Early morning recitation of Gayatri Mantra while standing facing Lord Surya in the Easteren sky makes us worthy of his blessings.
Follow dignified behaviour. Don't make promises in that period of affliction of Surya and if you have already promised someone don't brake it. Don't make false statements. Don't betray or cheat anyone. Don't gamble.
Worship Lord Surya with ultimate reverence in the morning after bath while reciting following Mantras:
“Om Japakusum Sankasham Kaashyapeyam Mahadyutim"
"TamoAri SarvapapaGhnam Pranato-asmi Divakaram”
It Translates -
“I bow to him, who possesses the aura of the light akin to the Japa-flower, who is the Prosperous of Glorious Glow on his face, who is the Destroyer of Darkness, who is the Depletive of our Sinful Acts and who is the son of Great Sage Kashyap”.
If in the horoscope Sun is the lord of an auspicious house and benefic astro-sign, but is pathetic due to melefic sight/conjunction of some inauspicious planet like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, you won't be able to get his blessings. In such a case it is advisable to wear an excellent quality of Ruby duly energized with Vedic mantras. But don't compromise with the quality as a dark spot inside the gemstone creates Shadow which in turn de-shapes the cosmic blessings coming from the planet and the results may not be as desired.
The simple method to be worthy of blessings of Our Sun is to pay him the reverence and true devotion. He is a Father figure and you cannot make him fool with expensive Gems only. He is ‘the creator', so he is aware of our pros and cons.
If you desire something from the father, you need to prove yourself as his loving son. After that you need to trust on the fact that Lord Surya, as a father, will only do what is befitting for you. You need to trust that there is no father who can harm his children.
Worshipping Lord Surya becoming his son will not only fetch the desired wishes but he will also grant the boon of true knowledge of the functionality of the Universe, as he did with Lord Hanumaana. (It is interesting to note that Lord Surya was the Guru of the Supereme Devotee, Hanumaana).
If satisfied with the 'Reverence-Full Devotion', 'Our Sun' not only blesses the human beings but the demons as well with many a different Sciences