Our Sun - The King !

Chapter No. 8 - Our Sun Is Too Generous

(The Legend Of Demon MayaSur & Lord Surya)

Sun is the significator of True Knowledge and Venus relates to the Creativity. Rahu and Ketu are the demonic forces and Jupiter is the most divine energy among Planets.

In case the knowledge of the Sun and the Creativity of Venus are clubbed together with the Divinity of Jupiter, the benefic planet, the Great Architect of Demigods ‘Vishwakarma” takes birth.

And if the knowledge of Sun and the Creativity of Venus are affiliated with Rahu or Ketu, the demonic planets, incarnates the Great Architect of Demons, Mayaasurwho is also famous as "MayaDaanav".

In primeval period there was the demon called Myaasur. He was just a mere architect until he performed a strict penance towards the head of all the Vedas, Surya in order to seek the great sanctified and deeply hidden knowledge about the science of constellations, known as Vedic Astrology.

Glad with his penance, Lord Savita, another name of Lord Surya, got appeased and granted him the boon and declared, “O' demon-chief, I am satisfied with your penance and have understood your intention. I will certainly provide you with the knowledge of Astro-science and shall also reveal its secrets to you”. It was the time a normal architect became one of the Greatest Architect way ahead of his time.

Mayaasur is as respected as Vishwakarma in his community. Being the known teacher of the Sciences like Astrology, Architect, Constructions, Mathematics and Astronomy, he built up so many buildings, Gardens, seminar houses and likewise for the demons.

It was the true devotion of Mayaasur for Lord Surya that he gained so much of the knowledge. From the primordial time the Grantha created by Mayaasur is very famous by the name of Mayadhipam.

The Great Sage Valmiki has mentioned for at least 50 times in Sunderkand, YudhKand and UttarKand about LankaPuri as the creation of Mayaasur and his bizzare architectural manoeuvre.

The Kingdom of Demons, Bhogawati was constructed by Mayaasur only.

Mayaasur not only constructed delectable structures for demons, but he constructed few amusable structures for humans and demigods as well. One of the structures that he constructed at the order of Lord Krishna was the kingdom of Indraprastha . He also created a meeting house for the King Yudhishthra. The flooring system of the meeting house was distinguishly amusable that the water appeared as floor and the floor appeared as water. That's the reason, the brave and wise Duryodhana was too astonished of illusion of the meeting house.

As per ancient epics, Mayaasur was the son of sage Kashyap and his wife Dhanu . His wife's name was Hema and his obedient daughter Mandodari was married to Ravana .

Similar to SuryaLoka and Chandraloka all three Sky-floating kingdoms famous as Tripur was constructed by Mayaasur. Only Lord Shiva had the power to destroy these Kingdoms and so he is called as Tripurari .

In the ancient architectural texts Mayaasur is worshipped as the primeval teacher of Science of Architecture. In MatsyaPurana, there are contents about 18 teachers of Science of Architecture. Mayaasur is designated with a special rank among all. Mayaasur despite of being a demon, became one of the greatest architect and astrologer of his time by the grace of Lord Surya.

“If you too aspire to become worthy of the blessings of Lord Surya, then apart from adopting Gems and Rudraksha, you should don over his fatherly figurine and worship him with great dedication, devotion, faith and reverence. I am very sure you will also win his Grace and Knowledge just like Mayaasur and Devotee-In-Chief, Lord Hanumaana.”

"After All, He Is The Father"

Thanks, O' Lord Surya !!!

Our Ch. Astrologer

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