Our Sun - The King !

Chapter No. 6 - The Hypocrite Sun


There is a Sly and Hypocrite face of Our Sun that most of the Scholars of present era deny. Our sun is the master in Lying and Swindling. He is one of the best Con Artist.

In the ancient texts it is repeatedly mentioned that Kings (the significators of the Sun) were to learn '64 Arts'. Coning, Lying, Swindling, Deception and Gambling are among those '64 Arts'.

'Yudhishthar', who won the Throne of Hastinapur after the great Battle of 'Mahabharata', who was eldest brother among the Pandavaas, who was famous for his justice and who was known as the 'King of Dharma' had developed an inclination towards gambling, which resulted in loosing note only his kingdom of IndraPrasth but all his younger brothers and his beloved wife 'Draupadi'.

Yudhisthar, in order to win the battle, resourced lies and cheating in the battle field.

There are so many examples in the history that exhibits the habit of Kings using lies, fabrications, disingenuousness, deceptiveness and cheatings resourced to win the battles.

Still it is important to mention here, that the sole objective behind the false statements and cheatings vested in 'Our Sun' is only about the welfare of all beings, just like a Father..!

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