A Curse for Men And Women Both

Chapter 5 - The Moon Cycle


Women must have heard this saying that Rajswala is connected to Moon Cycle. Although today's studies do not present any official evidence regarding the connection between Moon Cycle and menstruation, even then it is possible that in some period of history, in connection with these two cycles, there was some evolutionary benefit to both woman and the society. Or the two cycles may have been related in such a time when humanity had a deep respect towards nature (that is, towards feminine power). The intellectuals and scholars, who assimilate the enigmatic knowledge of the Vedas, know this fact that in the Vedic period women were respected as the divine power.

Although some modern researches and articles do consider some effects of moonlight on menstrual cycle, especially during her sleeping in the night. Many have also established connection of the period of Chandrakala and the period of menstruation (in terms of 28 days).

Famous psychoanalyst, Estter Hardning had researched and studied the customary activities of menstruation and the coherent nature of the moon and the woman. Studies of social behaviour found that if you leave the "highly educated western world", then you will find that menstruation is taken as a ‘curse' and it is counted in the category of ‘taboo actions'.

'Taboo' is also a curious word. In relation to menstruation, this word means dirty, cursed, secrete work doable in solitude etc. And we find that in many tribal and backward races, the Rajswala woman is seen in such a sanguinary vision that if she touches any object, the object will also get cursed and loses its effect.

This is the reason that women can't live with or approach others at the time of menstruation. Even she can't perform mundane activities.

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