Why Remedies For Planets Don't Work ? |
Chapter 2 -
So What Is To Be Deemed? |
In my opinion, every person who believes in Astrology, or who studies Astrology, or even that 'so-called Astrologer' who only tells the remedy for his own interest, must understand and don the Universal Law as set by the Supreme Divine. Without it, the well-being of neither the victim nor Astrologer is possible.
In my opinion, the simple and straightforward way of understanding the Universal Law is to indulge yourself with Nature. Understanding the functioning of Nature itself is akin to understanding the Universal Law.
Understand yourself... understand your body... understand your origin... understand the principles of mind, intelligence, happiness, sorrow, thoughts, ethos and the theory of actions (Karmas)… understand the Consciousness, 'the Soul' and the 'Supreme Divine'. Understand religion, truth, charity, donations, worship, repentance and atonement. Understand the three virtues of nature (Satvik, Rajasik, Tamasik) . Learn respecting mother-nature. Rise up from superstitions. And most importantly - understand the concept of “SvaChetana” , the Self-Consciousness in yourself and upgrade its level.
After donning all these knowledge-related subjects, the practicality of the Science of Astrology will prove to be effective and benefic.
All the respected Sages of the Vedic period, before teaching astrology to their disciples, used to teach them the ‘Art of living life in accordance with the Principles of Mother-Nature' in their Schools called Gurukul. The students at the initial stage were taught to speak, sit, getup, walk, sleep, eat, drink, run in adaptation to Nature. After which they were taught to behave in a manner consistent with Mother Nature . After the practice of the years, spiritual knowledge about Nature and Devine was provided which is also called the Universal Law. And finally, the knowledge of Ayurveda and Astrology was provided.
And this rule applies even today, because according to Universal Law, the code of nature doesn't change in any period of time. In order to understand the knowledge about the nature's functionality i.e. Universal Law, one must study the Grantha called "Svachetana" and adhere the trail of Astrology while understanding the Life-cycle in accordance to the code of the Mother Nature.