Our Sun - The King !

Chapter No. 3 - Significances of Our Sun


Sun is the source of light and is believed to be a Satvik Planet. This quality of Sun directs us to the Evolutionary Path, that leads to The Divine. The Sattva quality of the nature balances other two qualities, Rajsik and Tamsik. Sattva is the virtue that extends the quality of benevolence and mercy in a human being who readies one to help others around.

Sun is the only cosmic entity of our Solar System that generates his own light. This attribute makes him Most Independent among all the planets. Other planets reflects the light received from Sun. That's why Independence is promptly exhibited in Sun affected personalities, A Leon Trait..!

Generally Sun is called as Father Significator. And this is because of the fact that life on earth depends on the Sun. Like other fathers, Sun too sometimes act in harsh and cruel manner with his children. But the truth is, this brutality hides the benevolence and welfare behind. The sole objective of every father is always the evolution of his children and so is of Our Sun.

And when it comes to guard his region, Sun is like a Lion. Sun, akin to Lion takes the most agressive action against infiltrators. Sun is the King. It is his nature to expand his state and he loves his province. Any sort of illegal capturing results in making Sun so violent and destructive.

But one must also remember, King don't stretch his anger beyond a limit. Sun is the most refined energy that tactics the diplomacy as a tool of war. He is not like Mars, the Commander-In-Cheif of the army of the King, who keeps the fire burn until the revenge is completed.

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