Love Shani - The Key to Success

Chapter No. 7 - Remedies To Propitiate and Appease Shani


Remember, the attributes that Shani hates the most in a human being are Laziness, False Statements and Injustice Acts, Betrayal, Ignoring Duties in favour of parents, spouse and children, Trickery Acts of Artifice at professional front in order to win undue wealth and Earnings using Illicit Acts.

"Shani is like death to the people performing misdemeanours like mentioned above."

On the contrary, there are few acts that can make one be worthy of blessings of Shani. And those acts are: Truth Telling, Being Content and Reconciled, Serving Parents, Fulfilling duties in favour of spouse and children, Serving and Respecting teachers and Being Loyal & Active at professional front.

- To get the blessings and to propitiate Shani lit a lamp of mustard oil in Shani Temple on Saturday Nights.

- Then perform ritual of massaging his body with mustard oil in a manner to give him relief from the body pain which he foolishly earned by annoying Lord Hanuman.

- Afterward, take 8 rounds of Shani's Statue while chanting his basic Mantra as:

"Aum Shang Shaneshcharaye Namah"

- And then sit in front of Statue of Lord Shani and read Shri Shani Chalisa, Shri Shani Vandana and Shani Ashtotara-Shatanamavali (hundred and eight names of Shani).

- And then obediently request for his pardon for the sinful acts being committed by you in the past and pray to him with both hands folded for Pure Wisdom for the future.

Important: Remember, it is most important to seek Darshanaas of Lord Hanuman after Shani's Darshanaas. Shani grants special graciousness over the true devotees of Lord Hanuman. Read the story of Lord Hanuman meeting Lord Shani Dev.

Most Important: You must love Shani in the same way as you love Lord Shiva in the state of Supreme Ecstasy and as unpretentious as a baby.

"I do trust to the core of my heart that if you love & adore Lord Shani, he will certainly accept your offerings and will grant you the boon of Supreme Happiness."

When you are facing tough time under the influence of the active period of Shani, the first basic advice is to let the events come to you, and as far as possible surrender to them, rather than running or hiding away from the fear of some long-threatened disaster. Because this is certain that no one can run away without facing the consequences of what has committed in the past.

Remember, Shani can't be fobbed off by an expensive Gem, Rudraksha or just performing Puja, and worst of all, performance of Puja by someone else on your behalf.

If you feel you really want to propitiate Shani in the periods of his activeness, to ward off the ill effects of your own sinful acts, then it is far better to enter into a relationship with him.

"And to my opinion the best way out is to accept him as your Guru (teacher) and become his disciple."

But remember, getting admission in his school is not an easy task.

In order to enter into his school you need to leave your ego at the front door, keep patience, be humble and obedient and accept the events that come to you as a consequence of your own Karmas .

One thing is for sure, Shani is a magnificent Guru. Under his guidance, you can surely learn to live a simple life full of goodness, grow compassionate, and wisdom and understand that in the moment of darkness and sorrow, there follows the great beauty too.

But you will require to make continuous efforts to get admission in his school and keep the relationship alive. And to do so chanting his mantras and reading the text explaining his true side maybe the correct way.

Shani has a resemblance similar to Lord Shiva. His looks, gesture, colour and attributes are somewhat similar to Lord Shiva. So it may be wise to earn the blessings of Lord Shiva in the period of activeness of Shani.

As per ShivPurana, the supreme legend of Lord Shiva, 7-faced Rudraksha contains the blessings of Shani. And it goes without mentioning that every bead of Rudraksha is believed to be the blessing of Lord Shiva.

To my opinion and I have observed it so many time with my clients, wearing a combination of 7-faced Rudraksha beads along with Shani's Bhoj Patra Yantra sometime helps miraculously warding off the ill effects in the period of Shani. And it is interesting to note that 7-faced Rudraksha is believed containing blessings of goddess Mahalakshmi.

And one must restrain from wearing Blue Sapphire, the Gemstone associated with Saturn, just in order to win his grace. Wearing a gemstone is a serious and significant study. One must remember that wearing a Gemstone may enhance both benefic and malefic strength of a planet. So it is very important to diagnose the attributes of the related planet by evaluating the horoscope to the deeper level of Nakshatras and its associated levels (pada). A gemstone must only be worn to enhance the strength of a benefic but weaker planet. One must ignore wearing a gemstone associated with a malefic planet, in any circumstance.

“Remember you cannot bribe Shani. You can only humbly request him to teach you with the true knowledge that he possesses.”

“And finally remember your faith, your devotion and your dedication are the key to success. If you want to appease Shani, you require adopt and perform the remedies from the core of your heart.”

“And above all, you have to learn loving Shani, TRULY !!!

Say -

O' Magistrate !

O' Lord Of Karmas !!

I bow to you humbly, unconditionally & lovingly !!!

Thanks !!!

Our Ch. Astrologer

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