A Divine Short Story
A Sannyasi (the sage) had returned to India after traveling all over the world and stayed in a small principality as a guest.
The king of that principality went and said to the monk, 'O Swami, I have been asking a question for twenty years, but no answer is given by any one! Will you answer me?
Swamy said, 'I will give you the answer'!
Understanding the King's hesitation, the Sannyasi told the king, 'Do not worry! You will not return empty today. Feel free to ask'!
The King said, 'O Guruvar! I want to meet Ishwar, The God! Please do not try to explain what God is! I want to meet straightaway!
That monk simply asked with a flash of quizzical smile on his face, 'Do you want to meet him now, or can you wait a little longer?'
The king said, 'Please forgive Guruvar! But maybe you didin't understand! I am talking about The Divine'! Do not you think that I am talking about a person with a name of Ishwar, for which you say that I desire to meet now or that can I wait a little longer?
That monk said, 'Excellency! There is no room for mistake in this! I only do business of fixing meetings with God all day long! So tell me, do you wish to meet him now or you want to wait a little longer! Simply Answer! You were so anxious to meet him for twenty years and today has come the time, then meet him! '
The King Dared! He said, 'Okay Guru Ji, I wish to meet him now at this very moment, please arrange the meeting'!
The Saint chuckled, 'Very Well Rajan! Please write your name, address and other necessary details on this small paper, so that I can reach God to who you are!' |
The king wrote his name, age, palace, his introduction and achievements on the piece of the paper and handed it over to the monk.
The monk read the information and after a moment of silence he said, 'Sir, please don't mind, but all these things that you have mentioned on the paper, I found them lie incorrect'!
That monk spoke further, 'Excellency! Please tell me, if you change your name then will you be changed? Will your consciousness, your power and your personality be changed by merely changing your name'?
The king said, 'No Guruvar, why would I change if my name is changed? Name is the name and I am what I am!
The Saints said, 'So Rajan! One thing is now certain that the name is not your identity, because you do not change by changing it. So tell me, today you are a king, tomorrow if by nay chance you become a beggar of the village, will you change?
That king said, 'Never Swami Ji! The state may go, I may become beggar, but why would I change? I am who I am. What I am Being a king will remain the same as becoming the beggar. May there be no house; may there be no kingdom; may there by no wealth & property, but I, I will remain what I am!'
Monk chuckled again, 'So Rajan! It is also decided that your principality is not an introduction to you, because even if you lose the kingdom you do not change! So tell me Rajan, how much is your age?'
The King said, 'Forty years'!
The Sannyasi said further, 'When you will be fifty years old, will you be the other person? Twenty years earlier or when you were a child, were you someone else?'
The king said, 'No, the age changes, the body changes, the title changes, but I, what I was in my childhood, what was within me, is still there'!
That monk said, 'It means neither your age nor your title or your body is your introduction. Then who you are Rajan, please write it down, so that I could reach to the God with proper introduction of yours. Otherwise I will become a liar along with you! None of these is any introduction of yours"! |
The King said in confusion, 'O Guru Ji! It has become a big problem! I do not even know myself! I do not know what I am in reality! I know only my body, name and title that this is mine'!
The Great monk said, 'Yes Rajan! It is really a great trouble, because of which I can't even introduce you. I can't even tell the God who wants to meet him. God will certainly ask me, ‘Whom do you want me to meet'?
“So Rajan! Go and first find out who you are! And I declare it to you today, that the day will you discover yourself, you will not come to me to find The God"
"Because it is the eternal truth, that in the process of knowing self, one automatically come to know ‘him' who is known as The God"
So friends, the story ends here. But the question remains still... Who Am I ?
Do you want to discover yourself ?
Friends, a simple tool to discover yourself is available in the shape of scripture,"SvaChetana"! Through this scripture, you will not only discover yourself but also understand the secrets of 'The Divine' and 'The Nature' in simple language.
The Divine Consciousness made Shashi Kapoor a medium to create the scripture. You can also become worthy of God's compassion by studying divine texts as were revealed to Shashi Kapoor.
Although there can be no value of the spiritual knowledge, even then some price has been kept for the scripture, so that only those people study it who understand the seriousness of this subject of true and divine knowledge.
So come, know yourself...
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